Notice: Demonstration Project on Direct Payment of Fees to Non-Attorney Representatives, 72 Fed. Reg. 46121 (8/16/07)


SUMMARY: In prior notices published in the Federal Register, we provided guidance on the requirements for participation in the Non-Attorney Direct Payment Demonstration Project mandated by Section 303 of the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 (SSPA). In this notice, we are announcing that we are revising our earlier guidance in two respects. First, we have decided to replace the requirement that insurance policies must be underwritten by a firm that is licensed to provide insurance in the State where the individual practices with a requirement that the underwriting firm be legally permitted to provide insurance in that State. This change will allow us to accept insurance policies offered by ``surplus lines carriers.'' Second, we are changing the manner in which we will make open-book reference materials available to test-takers.

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