NEXT WEEK: Urge Congress to Fully Fund WIC !

We want to get this on your radar in case you have time to join in next week to help fight to defend WIC.  We need you to both reach out to the MA Congressional Delegation as well as family and friends in sister states.  Our colleagues at the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) are organizing a national WIC call-in day on Wednesday, January 10th.  And Tuesday, January 9th at 5 PM, is a chance to hear from WIC champion CT Rep Rosa DeLauro. Please know that the entire MA Delegation is 100% with us in fighting to defend and protect WIC benefits, but they still need to hear from constituents who care about WIC!

Thanks to, here's a link to a letter you can send to your Member of Congress today - by filling out your name, email and zip code. This also gives additional background on the proposed cuts. Please share this link with family and friends in sister states.  And if you do not currently get FRACs' Action Alerts and want to be kept in the loop, please contact to get on their eblast list.