Next Health Care Working Group Jan 20; Other upcoming trainings/events

Hello all, and happy new year!
A few upcoming meetings/events: 
Health Connector Public Webinar: January 11 (tomorrow)
Scroll down to the email below for more information on the Health Connector's public webinar tomorrow, at 12:30pm, about how to apply for and enroll in coverage through the Health Connector. Click here to register. 
Training on HHS Office of Civil Rights Complaints: January 19
The CPCS Children and Family Law Division is hosting a training on January 19, from 2-4pm on how to file a discrimination complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights. Click here to register and read more information about the training.  
Health Care Working Group Meeting: January 20
Our next Health Care Working Group meeting will be Thursday, January 20, 3-4:30pm. Please save the date- I'll send a calendar invite shortly, and we'll send out the agenda as the date approaches. 
Health Care Access Programs- Basic Benefits Training (BBT) with MCLE: February 15
It's that time of year again! A live webcast of our Health Care BBT will be held on February 15. This program provides an overview of the eligibility requirements for MassHealth, ConnectorCare and other programs and the process for applying for and enrolling in coverage, for people under age 65 in Massachusetts. It also provides an update on any significant changes and COVID-related flexibilities to health access programs. Trainers also supply troubleshooting tips for resolving common eligibility and access to service problems in MassHealth and the Connector. Click here to register, and to read about other upcoming BBT programs.  
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum <>
Date: Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Attend & Promote Next Week’s Health Connector Public Webinar
To: <>
Health Care Training Forum
On Tuesday, January 11th (via Zoom), Health Connector staff will hold a public webinar to share information about the Health Connector and our Open Enrollment period that will be ending on January 23rd – there’s still time to get coverage that starts on February 1, 2022.
Whether someone has lost coverage from an employer or another source, lost help paying for COBRA or simply wants to shop to compare their health insurance options, they can join this presentation to learn about Health Connector coverage and find out how to take steps to get covered.
Title: Health Insurance Options and Savings through the Health Connector
Who should attend this session: Anyone who is uninsured, or any new staff that helps people apply for health insurance coverage through
What will be covered during this session:
  • General information about the state’s Health Connector and the types of coverage available through
  • An overview of how the American Rescue Plan helps tomake coverage more affordable
  • Open Enrollment for 2022 Health Plan Coverage
  • Tips when applying for coverage, including choosing a plan and enrolling
  • How to get free help with this process
When: Tuesday, January 11, 12:30–1:30 PM
Location: Zoom Webinar and/or Conference Call
Promote this webinar by reviewing the social media toolkit  and sharing its content. The toolkit includes sample posts, tweets and downloadable images - all ready to use. Help us encourage members in your community who need health insurance to take action. They can learn more by attending this webinar and find out how to take steps to get covered.
Please encourage anyone in your organization or community who needs this information to sign up and join the webinar. Recordings of past presentations are available from the Health Connector’s video library.
The Health Connector
Virtual MTF Meetings
Winter 2022
MA Health Care Training Forum | 508-856-4306 | |
UMass Chan Medical School - Commonwealth Medicine