Next HCWG Meeting- Aug; MLRI redeterminations website
We hope you're enjoying your summer so far! A couple updates:
No July Health Care Working Group Meeting
With summer schedules such as they are, we're skipping our July Health Care Working Group meeting. Our next Health Care Working Group meeting will be August 23 (Wed) at 3pm. I'll send a calendar invite out shortly.
In the meantime, please email me and Vicky ( if you encounter any confusing MassHealth redetermination-related issues. We're closely monitoring the redetermination process to identify systemic errors and advocate for solutions.
MLRI's new redeterminations website!
We've launched Masshealth, our website for consumers and advocates regarding the April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 MassHealth eligibility redetermination process.. Shout out to our summer intern, Danielle Stewart, for making it happen! The website contains (1) flyers to help consumers and advocates navigate aspects of the redetermination process, (2) links to helpful resources from MassHealth and the Health Connector, (3) a calendar of redetermination-related events, and much more to come- check it out!
We'll continue developing informational material and adding to the website- including FAQs for consumers and advocates. Please let us know if there's anything else you'd like to see on the website.