New Resources from MassHealth on One Care and SCO

MassHealth has created materials comparing One Care and SCO that will be useful to enable people eligible for either One Care or SCO who turn 65 to  decide whether to remain in One Care or enroll in SCO. Not everyone has this choice to make

  • Disabled adults enrolled in MassHealth Standard and One Care can choose to remain in One Care after turning 65 or choose SCO or the MassHealth Fee for Service program and Medicare or Medicare Advantage.

  • Disabled individuals on CommonHealth are not currently eligible for SCO, on turning 65, their choice is One Care or the MassHealth Fee for Service program and Medicare or Medicare Advantage

  •  Disabled adults who were not enrolled in One Care while under 65 do not have the option of enrolling in One Care for the first time at age 65 or older; their choice is between SCO or the MassHealth Fee for Service program and Medicare or Medicare Advantage

The comparison will also be helpful to disability advocates and policy makers in determining the future contours of One Care and SCO. 

The One Care/SCO Comparison is now up on MassHealth's website at the following links:


Landing Page:

Next steps for MassHealth include:

  1. Updating this document in the future to incorporate plain language where possible

  2. Adding an interactive FAQ

  3. Adding a link to rating category definitions