National Sign-on Letter to CMS To Rescind Trump Medicaid Rule
On its way out the door, the Trump Administration issued an interim final rule restricting important Medicaid protections enacted by Congress to keep people from losing benefits during the pandemic. Many of your orgs may have filed comments as MLRI did opposing the rule. We have not seen the effects of this yet in Massachusetts, but we will soon, unless the new federal administration takes action. Please sign on to a letter written by our national advocacy colleagues to the new Administration urging them to rescind the Nov 2020 rule.
More Info on the sign on letter below --Deadline April 2 at 8 pm. ET
Please join the National Health Law Program and Justice in Aging in urging the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to rescind the Interim Final Rule (IFR), 42 C.F.R. § 433.300, which weakens the beneficiary protections in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Specifically, the Interim Final Rule allows states to start making cuts to Medicaid eligibility and services during the public health emergency. Prior to the rule being released in November 2020, states were prohibited from making such cuts under the Families First legislation if the state opted to receive increased federal funding for Medicaid (all states took the increased funding).
There are now multiple reports of states starting to act on the rule causing Medicaid enrollees to lose eligibility and access to care. The sign-on letter below asks CMS to instead affirm that Section 6008(b)(3) of the FFCRA prohibits states from reducing the amount, duration, and scope of enrollees’ Medicaid benefits until the end of the month in which the public health emergency ends.
Read the whole letter here:
You can sign your organization on by filling out this google form.
Sign on Deadline: Friday April 2 at 8 PM ET/ 5 PT.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Sarah Grusin ( and Amber Christ (