❄ MassHealth Updates- and Happy Holidays! ❄

Hello all, and happy holidays! 
A few MassHealth updates:
1. CommonHealth Changes- New Eligibility Operations Memo
2.  Three Month Retroactive Coverage- New Eligibility Operations Memo
3.  MassHealth MATCH Program- Housing Assistance
4. Amanda Cassel Kraft Leaving MassHealth
1. CommonHealth Changes- New Eligibility Operations Memo
In our recent Health Announce of December 9, we described updates to the CommonHealth program as a result of the recent MassHealth 1115 Waiver Renewal: (1) elimination of the one-time deductible/work requirement for members under 65; and (2) creation of a "CommonHealth retirement" benefit for members 65 and over. 
As expected, MassHealth just published an Eligibility Operations Memo (EOM) regarding the elimination of the one-time deductible/ work requirement for members under 65, saying that these changes are now available. Read the EOM here for more details. 
MassHealth anticipates the CommonHealth retirement changes for members 65 and over to go into effect by July, 2023. 
2. Three Month Retroactive Coverage- New Eligibility Operations Memo
Another change happening as a result of MassHealth's 1115 Waiver Renewal is the availability of 3 month retroactive coverage for children under 19 and pregnant people. MassHealth just published an Eligibility Operations Memo (EOM) regarding these changes. Read the EOM here for more details. The highlights are: 
  • This change is now in effect
  • The online application now asks applicant about 3 month retro eligibility
  • The paper ACA-3 will be revised to include questions about 3-month retro eligibility in March 2023
    • Until the ACA-3 is updated, applicants using paper applications need to separately contact MassHealth to assess eligibility for 3 month retro. 
Remember that during the Public Health Emergency (PHE), all applicants- including adults 19-64 who typically are only eligible for 10 days retroactive coverage- can request 3 month retroactive coverage. This flexibility will end with the end of the PHE, at which point only non-MAGI applicants (mostly people 65+), children under 19, and pregnant people will be eligible for 3 month retro.  
3. MATCH Program- Housing Assistance
MassHealth recently posted information on its website about its Mitigating the Costs of Housing (MATCH) program. The program provides MassHealth members with up to $5,500 of housing supports. Members are eligible if: (1) they're enrolled in managed care or the Frail Elder Waiver, (2) they're moving from a place where they do not need to pay for housing costs (such as nursing homes, emergency shelters, correctional facilities, etc.) into community-based housing where they do need to pay for housing costs. 
Only the member's managed care plan can refer members for MATCH assistance.  MassHealth encourages members to contact their MCO to ask about a referral to MATCH- the MATCH website has the email addresses or telephone numbers for the MCO plans. Members enrolled in Frail Elder Waiver but not a MCO may also be eligible for MATCH, with a referral from their Aging Services Access Point agency (ASAP). 
This program is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and will continue for at least another 15 months, or until it runs out of money.
4. Amanda Cassel-Kraft Leaving MassHealth 
State House News Service reports that Assistant Secretary and MassHealth Director Amanda Cassel Kraft will be leaving MassHealth on January 2 to pursue an opportunity abroad. Deputy Medicaid Director, Mike Levine, will take over as Acting Assistant Secretary. We thank Amanda for her many years of service at MassHealth, congratulate her for her accomplishments, and wish her the very best in the future!