MassHealth Publications in Response to COVID-19

Office of Medicaid/EOHHS

From an email sent out by the Office of Medicaid/ EOHHS:

In coordination with agencies across the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, MassHealth/ EOHHS have released provider bulletins and additional guidance in response to 2019 novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

These policies expand telehealth coverage, including telephonic coverage, expand coverage through Hospital-Determined Presumptive Eligibility (HPE), provide information for providers to bill for COVID-19 lab testing, cover 90-day refills of prescriptions and early refills, and remind providers that there are no copays for lab tests and pharmacists cannot deny medications if a member cannot pay.

The bulletins and guidance are based on what is currently known about the transmission and severity of COVID-19 and will be updated as needed and as additional information is available. Please regularly check for general updated information and for MassHealth-related information.

The following bulletins and guidance have been posted:

MassHealth is committed to working with providers, plans, and other stakeholders to ensure member needs continue to be met during this time. We thank you for your partnership and vigilance as we work together through the challenges of COVID-19. We will continue to update providers and members on further developments as it relates to the MassHealth program, and encourage you to consult both the MA Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control websites for the most up to date information.