MassHealth benefit changes
Enhanced benefits in MassHealth Family Assistance.
The benefits available to people enrolled in MassHealth Family Assistance has just gotten a lot better for people with serious health conditions who need skilled facility-based care but don't need to stay in a hospital and can't safely return home yet. Kudos to MassHealth for filling this gap in care for low income documented immigrants and children who don't qualify for MassHealth Standard or CommonHealth.
A July 10, 2020 policy change has added up to 100 days per admission for Nursing Facility care and up to 100 days per admission for Chronic Disease and Rehab Hospital in-patient care to the Family Assistance benefit. The enhanced services are effective for dates of service starting Mar 11, 2020. This is a permanent change not limited to the COVID-19 emergency period. Previously Family Assistance covered no nursing facility care and only 30 days of CDRH inpatient care.
Sunset of early refill & several other COVID-19 pharmacy changes. MassHealth has ended certain COVID-19 related pharmacy changes effective July 15, 2020 including the early refill policy, the elimination of prior authorization requirements for certain drugs that treat respiratory conditions, and the automatic 60 day extensions of drug prior authorization.