MA rolls out letters to 94K low income college students, many now eligible under COVID expansion rules!!

Hot off the press is a PDF version of an electronic letter that Department of Higher Ed (DHE) Commissioner Carlos Santiago sent last night to 94,000 MA low income college students. His letter also shares his personal story using SNAP as a college student for his family. The DHE electronic letter was sent to the college students that DHE identified with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $0. Note, some of these students may already be getting SNAP – so we do not know how many students will be new to SNAP benefits. 

The DHE e-letter is personalized to each student (includes their name), and instructs students that they can use their copy of the letter as proof of their SNAP eligibility. This means the students do not need to submit any other proofs of SNAP student eligibility.  If students misplace the DHE e-letter, they can send any other proof of their work study (regardless of a work study job), Pell grant, EFC amount etc if DTA requests verification.

·         DTA Guidance:  DTA has not yet issued field guidance (they are working on that), but we understand they have shared with SNAP workers that DTA has shipped out the letter and that it is fully acceptable as proof.  And remember, under long term DTA SNAP policy -  regardless of the EFC, students are SNAP eligible if enrolled in a community college, receive a MassGrant (state financial aid).  And since August 2020, students have been able to show approved work study without a job b.c colleges have been closed down. MA is ahead of the curve again!


·         Outreach materials:  Attached also is a 1 page flier we produced with the help of design staff at Tusk Philanthropies. We hope this flier will also help you alert students to the expanded SNAP rules and how to apply. Please distribute broadly.


·         Students with EFCs above $0:  For students who do not fall within the eligible buckets, students can appeal or request a “special circumstances” review of their EFC at any time. Most colleges have a process for an appeal or review.  See free SwiftStudent materials for students to appeal their FAFSA determination HERE.    

Huge thanks to both DTA and DHE for moving ahead on this policy. and Vicky and I are grateful that DTA and DHE solicited our input on the DHE student letter. 

Go forth and SNAP enroll students!!