MA Hunger Free Campus Bill Update; WH Conference testimony/recommendations welcome; GBFB Report and more!
Thanks to all who attended this AM’s SNAP Coalition meeting. We appreciate all your advocacy work on the state and national level. The NEXT SNAP Coalition meeting is Tuesday, July 26th. We may also hold a “second Tuesday” Coalition meeting in July or August to dive into more details on both the SNAP standard medical expense self-declaration policy, and the SNAP ET childcare policy. Look out for follow up details.
This eblast follows up on a couple of items that need your help.
- Hunger Free Campus Initiative - ready for a big push to the finish line!
MassLive published an article this morning highlighting the need for the Hunger Free Campus Bill! (H.4697 and S.2811). This Op Ed underscores how crucial this anti-hunger legislation is to support the future workforce of Massachusetts.
As our legislators grapple with competing priorities, it’s important to connect the urgency for food security programs on college campuses with ensuring the success of emerging workforce needs. Look out for your local legislators at Fourth of July parades this weekend and be sure to tell them how much this bill means to you and your communities! We need all hands-on deck leading up to and immediately after the July 4th holiday.
ACTION STEP: This week - please contact your House and Senate members to urge Ways and Means Chairs to report the Hunger Free Campus Initiative (H.4697 and S.2811) to the House and Senate Floor. You can use this spreadsheet for targeted outreach to legislators with colleges and universities in their districts to request that they weigh in on this issue with Ways and Means leadership as well. More information, check out the MA Hunger Free Campus Campaign website.
- MA Listening Session on WH Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health - July 1st deadline for more testimony & recommendations!
Thanks to all who were able to attend and participate in the powerful listening session yesterday attended by MA Congressman Jim McGovern (he was with us for well over an hour!.). Check out Congressman McGovern’s tweet message below (or click and amplify his tweet HERE):
The road to a hunger free America starts with you…. The powerful testimony from experts w/ lived experiences of hunger at today's listening session hosted by community organizations will be sent to the @WhiteHouse to strengthen anti-hunger programs & build a hunger free America.
Yesterday’s powerful listening session included Diane Sullivan and Jimmeika Mills of Equitable Spaces who introduced and helped facilitate the event, along with MLRI’s Gina Plata Nino. And check out Diane’s powerful opening testimony to the White House Conference Northeast Region Listening Session on June 23rd, posted by FRAC on their blog post HERE.
Want to share your thoughts and recommendations? You can still submit your thoughts here by Friday July 1st, end of day. Use this Google Doc to add your voice to the report that will be sent to both the White House and our Massachusetts Congressional Delegation by July 15th.
- GBFB Food Equity and Access Report:
We again thank the Greater Boston Food Bank for their recent, powerful Food Equity and Access Report documenting the significant increase of food insecurity in Massachusetts since the pandemic. You can find GBFB’s virtual presentation of the data here. Thank you to Catherine Lynn and the GBFB for producing this critical, timely report.
- State Legislative Advocacy Training on July 7th, 12 to 1:30 PM:
Want to learn the basics of legislative advocacy - how a bill becomes a law, how to develop written and oral testimony, how to develop a relationship/ effectively talk with your state legislators? You are in luck! The Southcoast Food Policy Council is hosting a free legislative training with Rebecca Miller of the MA Food Systems Collaborative on July 7th from 12 to 1:30 PM. To register, go here.