Lift Our Kids rally RESCHEDULED to Thurs. 1/11, 11am - Due to Weather. Please CONTACT Guv Healey TODAY!

Mother Nature is angry too, and crying heavily tomorrow with lots of wind and rain. We respect that. 
The Lift Our Kids rally against the cash cuts is now THURSDAY at 11 AM on State House steps. See below. 
Hi everyone,
Due to the weather forecast, we are rescheduling the Lift Our Kids rally against cash assistance cuts to Thursday, Jan. 11 at 11 am.  Please join us on the State House steps!
  • We will have some signs, but please bring one if you can.  Suggested messages:
    • "Gov's Cuts Hurt Kids!"
    • "No cuts to cash assistance!"
    • "Stop cash assistance cuts!"
    • "Stop EAEDC cuts!"
    • "Deep Poverty Hurts Kids"
    • "Deep Poverty is a Policy Choice"
  • We're having a final planning meeting for the rally tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 10 at 11:00:
Please also call and/or e-mail Governor Healey to urge her to reverse the cuts to cash assistance:
  • Call (888) 870-7770
    • Suggested script:  "This is [name] from [city/town].  I'm calling to urge the Governor to rescind the 9C cuts to the TAFDC and EAEDC cash assistance programs.  The grant amounts are still far below even half of the federal poverty level.  It is unconscionable for Massachusetts to fill gaps in the budget by cutting cash assistance for our lowest income families with children, elders, and people with disabilites."
  • Click here to e-mail her.
Thank you,
Naomi, Deborah, and Betsy
Hi everyone,
Today Governor Healey announced 9C budget cuts that include eliminating the 10% cash assistance grant increases that the Lift Our Kids Coalition fought so hard for in the FY24 budget. ("9C" refers to the section of law authorizing her to make unilateral cuts in case of a revenue shortfall).  As a reason, she cited the incremental increases we secured in the prior 3 budgets, without recognizing that those increases – while critically important steps – are not enough to make up for decades of lost value to inflation. 
It is devastating that the Governor would choose to balance the budget on the backs of our lowest-income children and families.  Cash assistance grants remain far below half the federal poverty level (known as "Deep Poverty") – $1036/month for a family of 3.  The current maximum grant is only $783/month.  For an elder or disabled individual, the maximum grant is a mere $401/month.
Please join us on the State House steps to protest the Governor's cuts to cash assistance: 
  • Please encourage your networks to attend so we have a strong showing at this rally!
  • Wear your Lift Our Kids button if you have one and plan to bring a sign. 
  • We will have a zoom meeting tomorrow morning, Tuesday, Jan. 9, at 9:30, to discuss media and messaging for the signs:
    For those who can't attend, we'll send another e-mail to share what we come up with.
Stay tuned for further action steps as well.
In solidarity,
Naomi, Deborah, and Betsy