Lawsuit settlement notice on out-of-state EBT usage; Sign-on org letter to IRS seeking simple & free tax filing

Our next SNAP Coalition meeting - and the only meeting in July and August - will be on August 1 from 10-11:30.

MLRI lawsuit settlement on out-of-state EBT usage - DTA notice of lawsuit settlement sent to @ 11,000 households 

In 2020 MLRI filed a lawsuit challenging DTA’s practice of requiring all SNAP households to re-verity their Massachusetts residency after using SNAP out of state for a certain number of days. We are settling this lawsuit with DTA. As a result, on July 3 DTA mailed a set of households a letter titled “Notice of Class Action Settlement in SNAP Lawsuit Against the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)." 

To learn more and see a copy of the notice, visit this website: If you hear from any households who got this letter, please tell them to contact MLRI’s settlement phone number or email: (857) 241-1736 or

Organizational sign-on letter to IRS urging free/simple tax filing - Deadline to sign on - July 7!

Here is a sign-on letter circulated by the Coalition for Free and Fair Filing (which advocates for free and simpler tax filing, particularly for low-income folks). The letter calls for better access to filing tax returns and getting tax benefits like the COVID stimulus and child payments, emphasizing that the high cost of tax filing and missed tax credits disproportionately burdens people of color and other marginalized communities. It asks the IRS to prioritize the needs of low-income filers and those experiencing the most barriers accessing the tax system in the design and development process for its new direct file tool. The for-profit tax software and preparation industry is fighting this effort, so it is important to show that there is strong support for it! The deadline to sign on is tomorrow, Friday, July 7.