Health Updates

With a long weekend coming up, announcements from MassHealth, the Health Connector & CMS are coming fast and furious
Updated guidance from MassHealth on protections in place during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
This El Ops Memo sets out in writing the welcome news we reported earlier that effective Aug 1, 2022 MassHealth is no longer downgrading MassHealth (Medicaid) members in Standard, CommonHealth, Family Assistance or CarePlus to any different coverage with fewer benefits during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE).  Also info on the status of other policies during the PHE and/or until further notice

El. Ops Memo 22-10 (August 2022) Updated MH Response to COVID

And we are still trying to keep abreast of  changes in our  COVID 19 Table updated on Aug 31, 2022, check it out.
Forwarding news from the Health Connector 
The Health Connector reports that its preliminary eligibility notices for 2023 coverage are being mailed out now & also on the start of its webinar series starting Sept 8, 2022 and running into Jan. 2023. The webinars are designed for certified enrollment assisters & Navigators but (as far as we know) are open to anyone. 
New flyer by MLRI about Student Health Insurance. With the help of our student intern this summer, MLRI has put together a flyer for college students.  The English version is posted here; Spanish coming soon at the same link. 
CMS Proposed Rule to Simplify Eligibility & Enrollment
Hot off the presses from CMS, a proposed rule to simplify the eligibility and enrollment process for Medicaid, CHIP and Medicare Savings Programs.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: MAhealthconnectorUpdates <>
Date: Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 3:31 PM
Subject: Help Health Connector Members with their Annual Redetermination
To: <>
Assister Updates
Important News for Certified Assisters In Massachusetts 

August 31, 2022

Notices for Health Connector Redeterminations are being mailed!


As part of the Health Connector's annual Redeterminations and Renewals process, member mailings of Preliminary Eligibility notices for Open Enrollment 2023 have begun. Some members may have already received their notices. Notices will continue to be mailed through mid-September.


These notices inform members about their estimated 2023 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and their program eligibility based on information that is currently available to the state. Notices also provide instructions on how a member can update or correct information and encourages them to update their eligibility application for 2023 or the current year if needed.  Remember, if the changes a member had in 2022 will be the same for next year, please apply their 2022 changes to their 2023 application and submit them as well.


To see samples of a subsidized and unsubsidized member notices, log into the Learning Management System (LMS)  and review the items in the Health Connector Open Enrollment 2023 folder. 

Assister Webinars related to Health Connector Open Enrollment 2023


The Health Connector will host informational webinars during Open Enrollment 2023. During these webinars, Health Connector subject matter experts (SMEs) will review Open Enrollment related topics and processes. Time will be set aside during each webinar to answer your questions so you can best support your Health Connector members. These webinars are not part of mandatory Assister training, however participation in them is highly recommended.


Get the most out of each webinar!  


1.    This year's webinar schedule is linked from this message is linked from this message. It is also saved as a resource in the Assister Learning Management System (LMS). 


To access this schedule and other related resources from the LMS, go to (use the Forgot Password link if you forgot your Username and/or Password):


  • Select the Resources tab in the LMS
  • Open the folder called Health Connector Open Enrollment 2023
  • Look for the file called Assister Webinar Schedule Open Enrollment 2023
  • Information for each webinar (date of webinar and link to join webinar) is listed under each webinar title
  • Important: Create your own calendar appt for each webinar and copy their respective webinar link into the appt for easy access on the day of the webinar



2. Any materials related to these webinars, recordings and any updates to the Q and A document (if necessary) can also be found in the LMS Resources folder called Health Connector Open Enrollment 2023



3. After each webinar, you’ll receive an evaluation by email. Please take a few moments to complete and submit the evaluation, your input is very valuable to us and helps us in planning for future trainings


Session days and times vary. Check the Learning Management System (LMS) to see the latest schedule and remember to add a session reminder to your calendar.

Health Connector Preliminary Eligibility, Renewal and Open Enrollment Processes Course 


In the coming days, the updated Health Connector course will be released through the Assister’s Learning Management System (LMS). Be on the lookout for a message from the LMS that you have been enrolled. 


Thank you,

Health Connector

