Health Safety Net Cutbacks Effective April 1st

Not wasting any time, or even waiting for the beginning of the next fiscal year, the Baker Administration has come out with draft regulations at  which dramatically cutback on  Health Safety Net free-care for the poor.

  1. The onset date of eligibility is cut from 6 months retroactive coverage to 10 days before application..
  2. The  partial deductible begins after 150% FPL instead of the historic 200% for full HSN coverage.
  3. Partial HSN runs between 150% FPL and 300% Fpl, instead of the historic 400% FPL for partial coverage
  4. Households determined eligible but unenrolled for Connector Care lose eligibility, except for dental coverage after 100 days of HSN eligibility.

The notice of proposed rulemaking, and redlined draft regualtions,  are attached. Comments are due February 26th.

Attachment Size
101-cmr-613-public-hearing.pdf (158.78 KB) 158.78 KB
hsn-613-redline(9).pdf (335.65 KB) 335.65 KB