Health Care Working Group Feb 28 at 3 and Health Access Training Feb 29

A reminder that we will be having our regular 4th Wed of the month Health Care Working Group meeting on Wed Feb 28 at 3-4:30. The zoom link should be in your calendar already. The agenda will include hearing from those in attendance on top of mind issues  as well as:

Register for the Feb 29 Health Access Training with presenters from HLA, BPHC, HCFA, GBLS and MLRI

It's also a big week for legislative advocacy

Feb 27 Older Adults Lobby Day: Speakers are scheduled for 11:30 a.m., followed by legislative office visits. (Tuesday, 11 a.m., Great Hall)  

Feb 28 Health Equity Compact Legislative Briefing:  legislative briefing on a sweeping bill to bolster health equity (H 1250/S799)(Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., Room 428)