Health Announce - Oct. 21, 2024

October Salutations!

We have 10 days remaining in the month, comprising everything from Diwali to Halloween, from World Mental Health Day to Breast Cancer Awareness.  However you celebrate the colorful transition from long, warmer days to shorter and colder ones, you should also know that TOMORROW IS INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY.


  1. EOHHS public listen session this week on proposed amendments to 1115 demonstration waiver regarding One Care and SCO plans.

  2. Get ready for this week’s Health Care Workgroup!

  3. Emergency Assistance Commission listening session with EOHHS Secretary Kate Walsh this Friday.

  4. Utility payment help is available! New discounts for DTA clients and an upcoming webinar on the Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

Be well,

Jennifer Hotchkiss Kaplan

Senior Health Law Attorney

EOHHS public listen session this week on proposed amendments to 1115 Demonstration waiver regarding One Care and SCO plans.

This Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, EOHHS is hosting a public listening session, in person and virtually, to hear comments on the proposed MassHealth Section 1115 Demonstration Amendment making changes to the One Care and Senior Care Options (SCO) plans.  Written comments will be accepted through November 12, 2024; information on how to submit comments can be found here.

The Healey-Driscoll Administration is touting this Demonstration Amendment as a way to expand coverage and address members’ health-related social needs.  Specifically, the amendment seeks to:

  • Continue covering additional community-based and flexible benefit services for One Care members and, as applicable, provide comparable services for SCO members.

  • Permit capitation payments to One Care and SCO plans during partial eligibility months.

  • Allow CommonHealth members aged 65 and older to elect SCO as their delivery system for Medicaid coverage, to address upcoming change of One Care authority.

Some of the changes in the proposed Demonstration Amendment are aimed at addressing the upcoming termination of the current One Care federal authority, which ends December 31, 2025.  EOHHS intends to transition the One Care program to a new federal authority, but different rules will apply.  The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation has published a great resource explaining the One Care transition, titled “What to Know About One Care: A High-Level Overview of its Upcoming Transition.” 

Get ready for this week’s Health Care Workgroup!

The HCWG meets this Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 3 pm (you should already have the calendar invitation).  We will be taking time to introduce ourselves and talk about projects we are working on, or any other issues that are top of mind.

Emergency Assistance Commission listening session with EOHHS Secretary Kate Walsh this Friday.

This Friday, October 25, 2024, from 12:00 to 1:30 pm, EOHHS Secretary Kate Walsh is hosting a virtual listening session for representatives from community-based organizations and advocacy groups to discuss the Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter system.  An RSVP is required to attend this event. 

Comments, suggestions, and solutions offered at this listening session will inform the work of the Special Commission on Emergency Housing Assistance Programs, as authorized pursuant to M.G.L. c. 88, § 23. Slides from the Commission’s October 15, 2024 meeting can be found here.

Utility payment help is available! New discounts for DTA clients and MassHealth members and an upcoming webinar on the Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).

First, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced a new partnership with five state-wide utility companies to deliver automatic discounts on utility bills for MassHealth members and DTA clients.  Utility companies will apply automatic discounts of up to 25% on gas expenses and 42% on electric expenses for individuals receiving:

  • MassHealth

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)

  • Emergency Aid to the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC)

Second, on November 14, 2024, from 12:00 – 1:30 pm, the National Consumer Law Center (NCL) is putting on a presentation covering the basics of the Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).  HEAP can help eligible households pay a portion of winter heating bills.  The program is 100% free for those who qualify. Information about how to apply for Massachusetts HEAP can be found here