Health Announce: Nov. 4, 2024

It’s Election Eve!

In case you’ve missed it (somehow), tomorrow is Election Day!  For a one-stop-shopping site on all things election related, tailored to your specific district, visit for nonpartisan information. Also, the Massachusetts Secretary of State put out a voter guide covering the state election, including descriptions of the five ballot questions.

In case you haven’t missed the fact that tomorrow is Election Day – in fact, you’re experiencing heart palpitations and sweaty palms – there’s help for you too!  Here are 8 Boston-area events designed to help you decompress from election stress.  Not in the Boston area? No worries!  Some of these events can be staged in your own home: watch the Muppet Movie and sing along for a dose of good vibes. 

Topics for this week’s Health Announce:

  1. Disability Law Center hotline for voters who have problems voting.

  2. Upcoming listening session for MassHealth’s My Ombudsman program.

  3. Resource on Continuing Disability Reviews.

Be well,


Jennifer Hotchkiss Kaplan

Senior Health Law Attorney

Disability Law Center hotline for voters who have problems voting.

Disability Law Center (DLC), one of many partner organizations part of the national REV UP campaign, has a hotline open on Election Day for voters experiencing problems in Massachusetts. Voters can call 617-723-8455 (2024#) or 800-872-9992 (2024#).  REV UP MA works to make the disability vote count through providing information and resources on voting issues and access to polling places.

Visit DLC’s website for more information on voting advocacy for individuals with disabilities.

Upcoming listening session for MassHealth’s My Ombudsman program.

On Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 12:30 pm, MassHealth is hosting an online listening session about the My Ombudsman Program.  MassHealth plans to conduct a new procurement of the My Ombudsman contract and seeks stakeholder feedback about the program.  The listening session will begin with a brief overview of the My Ombudsman Program and then stakeholders will get the opportunity to share their input on the program on everything from the name of the program to its strengths and challenges.

If you have any questions about the listening session, please contact Malinda Ellwood at ASL interpretation will be provided, and additional accommodations can be requested by email at or by phone at (617) 847-3468 (TDD/TTY: 711) or, for people whoa re Deaf or hard of hearing, or speech disabled, (617) 847-3788.

Here is the link to attend the listening session:

Individuals may attend by using the following link:

Resource on Continuing Disability Reviews.

Attached below are slides from the recent Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum Fall 2024 presentation on MassHealth and Disability.  The first half of the slides cover initial disability determinations.  Beginning on slide 36, the presentation has information on MassHealth Continuing Disability Reviews, which are managed by the UMass Disability Evaluation Services (DES).  Questions about the process can be directed at DES, 1-800-888-3420.   

Meeting ID: 938 2837 6022   Passcode: 957519