Health Announce: Feb. 10, 2025

  February Greetings!

Venus is the Roman goddess of love and beauty, as well as the second planet from the sun in our solar system – both especially relevant to this month of February. On Friday, February 14, Venus shines brilliantly as a symbol on Valentine’s Day -- for some, a day for lovers and, for others, a day for friends. And, for the entire month of February, Venus literally shines brilliantly in the night sky. In fact, Venus soars high and bright in the western sky this month, sharing the night with three other planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. All four planets should be visible in the evening sky -- with potentially a fifth planet visible at the end of this month!

Topics for this week’s Health Announce:

  1. Guidance released for health care providers and service providers and non-profit organizations about encounters with immigration enforcement -- plus a webinar for healthcare providers.
  2. Health Connector webinar on Wednesday about accessing health coverage after the end of the Open Enrollment period.
  3. New MassHealth and Health Safety Net standing orders for over-the-counter oral hormonal contraceptives and prenatal vitamins.
  4. Public outcry over Governor Healey’s proposal to close the Pocasset Mental Health Center.
  5. Resources for transgender people and their allies.

Be well,

Jennifer Hotchkiss Kaplan
Senior Health Law Attorney
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute


1. Guidance released for health care providers and service providers and non-profit organizations about immigration enforcement -- plus a webinar for healthcare providers.

Last week, the Office of the Attorney General (AGO) released guidance about how health care providers and service provider organizations can prepare for potential encounters with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials. While the guidance is not legal advice or a formal legal opinion of the Attorney General, it provides information about the rights of immigrants and providers.

  • Attorney General Guidance: Information for Massachusetts Healthcare Providers Regarding Immigration Enforcement and Access to Care and Assistance Programs – this guidance emphasizes that no executive action prohibits healthcare providers from continuing to provide services to all residents regardless of immigration status and from protecting the privacy of their patients as require by law. For example, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prohibits the sharing of a patient’s protected health information, except under limited circumstances; immigration officials cannot simply demand access to protected health information. Because of changes in federal policy about immigration enforcement in sensitive areas, the AGO recommends that healthcare providers adopt comprehensive policies and procedures that apply to any law enforcement activity, including immigration actions. For additional materials about immigration enforcement and the rights of patients and providers in healthcare settings, visit

This Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6 pm, the Health and Law Immigrant Solidarity Network, Healthcare for All, Equal Health, and The Border is Here are hosting Know Your Patients' Rights: Keeping Healthcare Welcoming and Safe for Immigrants. Register here for this webinar, which will discuss the latest policy changes affecting immigrants in healthcare settings. See the flyer at the end of the newsletter for more information.

2. Health Connector webinar on Wednesday about accessing health coverage after the end of the Open Enrollment period.

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at noon, the Massachusetts Health Connector is offering a webinar about how to access health coverage after the Open Enrollment period has closed. The session will include information on what life changes qualify for a special enrollment period, what health and dental coverage types are available, and what an individual’s tax filing responsibilities are to receive Advance Premium Tax Credits, among other topics. Register here for Webinar: Health Insurance Options for Massachusetts Individuals and Families.

3. New MassHealth and Health Safety Net standing orders for over-the-counter oral hormonal contraceptives and prenatal vitamins.

At the end of January, MassHealth issued two new standing orders pursuant to M.G.L. c. 118E, § 84, allowing licensed pharmacists to dispense to any MassHealth member or Health Safety Net (HSN) patients:

Additional standing orders, and other documents can be found here.

4. Public outcry over Governor Healey’s proposal to close the Pocasset Mental Health Center.

The Healey Administration’s Fiscal Year 2026 budget recommendation, filed as House 1, includes a recommendation to close the Department of Mental Health’s Pocasset Mental Health Center on Cape Cod. The administration anticipates about $31 million in savings, with patients being redirected to services from other providers.

The Pocasset Mental Health Center provides inpatient and outpatient care, including special services for young adults. Currently, it is one of two inpatient psychiatric units available for residents for Cape Cod and the Islands. Residents of the affected communities are voicing their opposition to the closure plan. Last week the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates voted unanimously to approve a resolution calling on Governor Healey to reverse her proposal to close the Pocasset Mental Health Center.

Transgender flag  Transgender flag  Transgender flag

5. Resources for transgender people and their allies.

The anti-trans rhetoric of the new administration and its accomplices has turned into targeted action. From an order attempting to define an individual’s sex by their reproductive capacity at the germinal state, to an order banning transgender people from enlisting and serving in the US military, the executive orders coming from the White House have been both harmful and cruel. Advocates are stepping up to defend against these actions: for example, GLAD Law and the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) filed a federal law suit against the administration on behalf of six active service members and two individuals actively seeking enlistment who have been barred from service under the anti-trans military ban.

These are very troubling times. If you are overwhelmed and worried, about yourself or a loved one or community member, below are some resources:

Social and Support Networks

  • Trans Community of New England – offering social activities and support
  • Transitions – providing health services to transgender and gender diverse people experiencing homelessness
  • PFLAG – dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them

Legal Help

Crisis Intervention

This Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 6 pm, the Health and Law Immigrant Solidarity Network, Healthcare for All, Equal Health, and The Border is Here are hosting Know Your Patients' Rights: Keeping Healthcare Welcoming and Safe for Immigrants. Register here for this webinar, which will discuss the latest policy changes affecting immigrants in healthcare settings