HCWG Meeting Tomorrow / Student Loan Webinar @ Noon Today
Hello all,
A couple quick things:
Student Loan Forgiveness Webinar (Today)
The Office of Economic Empowerment is hosting a webinar TODAY (Sept 27) at 12pm. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will give an overview of the upcoming student loan forgiveness process and how millions of borrowers can receive debt relief. Register here to get the login information.
Health Care Working Group Meeting (Tomorrow)
Reminder that our September Health Care Working Group meeting will be tomorrow (9/28) at 3pm. Here is the agenda, and zoom information for the meeting:
Proposed Changes addressing behavioral health provider limitations in MassHealth (Wells Wilkinson, Health Law Advocates; Suzanne Curry, Health Care For All)
Advocates Behavioral Health Supports for Justice-Involved Individuals program (Jennifer Thompson, Advocates)
Case discussion: discrimination against clients with behavioral health diagnoses. (Katie Ady-Bell, Central West Justice Center; Kara Hurvitz, Health Law Advocates)
MassHealth updates
Meeting zoom information:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89267332775?pwd=N0o2ekxpZzZWeHZRU1hoRGF6UWtnQT09 Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 892 6733 2775 Passcode: 098455