FYI September 2013: Fuel Assistance 2013 and Repayment History Letter



Fuel Assistance 2013

The Fuel Assistance Program begins accepting applications for fuel assistance on November 1, 2013.
TAOs will receive a supply of Fuel Assistance brochures in October for clients who are interested in applying
for fuel assistance and in how the program works. The brochure will also be available on our website at

The Department no longer mails income verification letters or Fuel Assistance brochures to clients. Clients
can obtain income verification letters to submit with their Fuel Assistance application in the following ways:

  • Clients may use their “My Account Page” (MAP) screen, which displays their case information. For more information on how clients can access MAP, see Field Operations Memo 2010-6 and Operations Memo 2012-41.
  • Clients may use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone number to request an income verification letter. The IVR telephone number is 1-877-382-2363, and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Clients will receive an income verification letter within five days at the mailing address identified in BEACON.
  • Clients may visit a TAO to request an income verification letter. Clients who visit a TAO to request an income verification letter must receive the letter before leaving the TAO. Clients who telephone their case managers requesting an income verification letter should be directed to use the IVR telephone number or to access MAP to print out their case information.

Each TAO was previously sent a poster advertising the availability of income verification letters through the
IVR telephone number and MAP. Contact Schrafft’s if a new poster is needed in your office.


Repayment History Letter
Effective with BEACON Build 45.8 which was deployed on September 16, 2013, the Recoveries Unit will be
able to generate a Repayment History letter for those clients requesting verification of repayments they
made for benefit overpayments. These letters will include:

  • the benefit type(s) that was overpaid;
  • the obligation and account number(s) for the overpayment(s);
  • the total amount of the overpayments;
  • the date each repayment made; and
  • the amount of each repayment.

This letter also informs clients about any outstanding amounts that must be paid back to DTA.
These letters will be available in the client’s Document History. Case managers cannot generate this letter.
If a client has questions or wants to request a Repayment History letter, he or she should call the Recoveries
Unit at 1-800-462-2607.

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