Fwd: NEW! Electronic Submission of SACA Renewal

MassHealth has finally created a way  for the elderly and other MassHealth members subject to an asset test to submit a SACA-2 Renewal electronically.
 The notice to renew will include a number that needs to be entered online to enable the process which includes a fillable PDF &  e-signature. See. https://mhesubmission.ehs.mass.gov/esb
They are not yet accepting verification documents via this process-but verifications can still be made by self attestation during the COVID public health emergency
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From: Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum <mtf@umassmed.edu>
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2022 at 9:00 AM
Subject: NEW! Electronic Submission of SACA Renewal
To: <vpulos@mlri.org>
Health Care Training Forum

NEW! Electronic Submission of SACA Renewal


On August 26, 2022, MassHealth senior members and their authorized representatives (ARD) now have the option to submit the SACA renewal electronically. MassHealth members 65 and older and those who receive a SACA renewal will now have the option to upload their renewal for health coverage from a web portal.


MassHealth members who received a renewal notice with an eSubmission number may be eligible to fill out and complete their Renewal application online. If the renewal notice did not contain an eSubmission number, please submit the Renewal application by mail, fax, or in person.


Learn how to respond to a renewal request at Renew your MassHealth coverage for seniors and people who need long-term-care services.


Note: Right now, members can only submit their Renewal application online. If they need to send additional documents with their renewal, please submit those documents by mail, fax, or in person.



MA Health Care Training Forum | 508-856-4306 | mtf@umassmed.edu | http://www.masshealthmtf.org
UMass Chan Medical School - Commonwealth Medicine
Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum | 333 South Street, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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