Field Ops Memo 2009-44: TAFDC and EAEDC: Disability Evaluation Services (DES) Psychological Consultative Examinations (CEs) ...


The Disability Evaluation Services (DES) schedules a consultative examination (CE) for a TAFDC or EAEDC applicant or client (hereafter referred to as client) when additional information or tests are needed to make a disability determination. DTA and DES have arranged with certain DES network doctors to conduct CEs in TAOs for clients who claim a mental health disability and for whom a CE appointment in the TAO is more convenient than travel to the doctor’s office or medical facility.

Beginning in August, 2009, this service will be available in the Springfield Liberty TAO. The service will be available in the Dudley Square TAO, beginning in September, 2009.

Purpose of Memo

This Field Operations Memo informs TAO staff about this new service offered in the Springfield Liberty and Dudley Square TAOs and describes procedures to facilitate the service.

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