Feb 25th Coalition Meeting; Healthcare Provider sign on letter; Stolen SNAP Update

We hope folks took some time off this week to play with family and friends, and rest up for the battles ahead. We’ve got a packed advocacy agenda for the coming weeks. Extending a HUGE thanks to the 150 MA organizations who joined the letter to our Congressional Delegation urging them to keep fighting to protect SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid. We’ll be talking about next steps on Tuesday.

SNAP Coalition Agenda: Tues, Feb. 25 from 10-11:30

  • Federal updates: Status of budget reconciliation, recent Executive Orders and ongoing advocacy opportunities.
  • State legislative/budget updates: See priority DTA related bills herePlease feel free to share other campaigns you are working on and fill out this Google form if you are able to reach out to your State Reps and Senators.
  • DTA SNAP updates and discussion with partner organizations: ongoing access barriers, the SNAP 3-month time limit, and other issues.
  • Tax Filing/Credits: Children’s HealthWatch overview of FindYourFunds.org and tax credits for low-income families

Zoom link for meeting HERE.

Sign on letter for health care providers & institutions

Children's HealthWatch is circulating a sign on letter for health care providers - including individual providers - and institutions urging our Massachusetts delegation to protect SNAP and other safety net programs from devastating cuts and restrictions in budget reconciliation. Text of letter and sign on HERE by Friday Feb. 28. Questions? Email charlotte.bruce@bmc.org.

This letter complements the 150 organization sign-on letter (linked above) by focusing on the health impacts of proposed cuts. We are grateful to Children’s HealthWatch for spearheading this action step.

Stolen SNAP Benefit: CommonWealth Beacon Op Ed & Action Steps

Sophisticated criminal rings have stolen SNAP from thousands of MA families since the start of 2025 - and without state funds, those stolen food dollars will not be replaced. Check out MLRI’s Op Ed yesterday in CommonWealth Beacon. Please contact the Governor and your legislators as soon as possible, urging them to replace stolen SNAP and set a timeline to begin issuing chip EBT cards. Thank you to the 49 organizations who made this ask to Governor Healey, please keep up the noise!

Resources: MLRI overview & details on the budget ask and one pager of stories you can use in your advocacy.

Action steps:

  1. Call or email the Governor. Call (888) 870-7770 or email using this Mass.gov form.
  2. Call or email your legislators (find them here)

Sample language to share:

Victims of SNAP theft are facing hunger and financial harm when their food benefits are stolen by criminals. [if you know of an impacted family, mention that & their experience as well]. We urgently need Massachusetts to step up to provide state funds to cover replacement and move towards chip EBT cards. Please include $5 million in a FY25 supplemental budget to replace stolen SNAP.

Upcoming Basic Benefits Trainings in March:

MLRI’s Basic Benefits Training series continues with the following three trainings in March. Be sure to click on “non-lawyer advocate” for the community org discount rate.