EAEDC Hearing Decision on Incomplete Supplements

Paul Semenza, Hearing Officer

Ruling: DTA must advise clients of why their verifications were inadequate.

DTA terminated client’s EAEDC based on a claim that his Disability Supplement was incomplete. The client was not informed of what specifically was incomplete. Advocate learned the day of the hearing that the “incomplete” aspect was that he had only filled out the 5 Medical Release forms  included in the Disability Supplement but had listed more than 5 providers. Hence the form was “incomplete” because more medical release forms were needed.

The case had never been sent to DES and client’s benefits terminated. Hearing Officer ruled that 1) the client had complied with the Department’s requests for a Medical Report and Disability Supplement, and 2) DTA had failed to adequately advise the client of all the requirements of the program and also had not performed the auxiliary administrative activities required.

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