DTA Local Office Contact Information, Client Assistance Coordinators, Domestic Violence Specialists and DOH Liasons


DTA Local Office Contacts

This directory includes address, phone, and fax information, as well as the names of the directors and assistant directors of each local office.  Note that this is current as of March 2025. There may have been changes since that time.

To contact a director by email, use the following format: firstname.lastname@mass.gov

In addition, the contact information for the DTA ombudsman is 617-348-5354.

DTA Local Office Information

Attached is a list of which cities/towns are covered by which local DTA office. DTA also has information about local office contact information on DTA online.   

DTA Client Assistance Coordinators

There are one to two CACs in each DTA office.  CACs are in place to serve as a resource to DTA clients with disabilities and to help clients have meaningful access to DTA’s benefits and services.  CACs also serve as a resource to DTA staff on disability issues.  Here is a list of CACs provided by DTA current as of July 2024. More information about CACs, is available on DTA's website.

Domestic Violence Specialists

DTA DV specialists are tasked with providing consultation, training and technical assistance to DTA staff working with clients in all DTA programs who have experienced domestic violence. The specialists advocate within DTA, and with other agencies, to connect individuals and families to appropriate resources, and help with safety planning. They should also work directly on some case issues, including helping with waivers of certain cash assistance program requirements or other DTA benefit issues.

DTA lists the contact information for domestic violence specialists in each office in their Domestic Violence brochure on their Domestic Violence Services webpage.

Division of Hearings Liaisons

DTA has staff who are liaisons for the Division of Hearings to implement appeal decisions.  The attached list was current as of March 1, 2017.

Attachment Size
DTA office cities and towns June 2016.pdf (27.62 KB) 27.62 KB
Appeal Liaison-312017 (1).xls (27.5 KB) 27.5 KB
Key DTA Contacts.pdf (112.78 KB) 112.78 KB
Copy of CAC Contact List 7.2.2024.xlsx (15.08 KB) 15.08 KB
DTA Local Operations Regional Listings 2025.3.pdf (909.88 KB) 909.88 KB