Deadline TODAY: MassHealth Waiver Sign-on Letters
Hello all,
We hope you had a nice break.
We're writing to remind you that the deadline to sign onto the two letters below is by the end of the day TODAY.
Health Care For All Sign-on Letter regarding all 8 amendment requests:
With help from partner organizations, HCFA drafted a sign on letter expressing support for all eight of MassHealth's waiver amendment requests:
- Preserve CommonHealth Members’ Ability to Enroll in One Care Plans
- Expand Marketplace (Health Connector) Subsidies to Additional Individuals
- Increase the Income Limit for Medicare Savings Program (MSP) Benefits for Members on MassHealth Standard and CommonHealth to the State Statutory Limit
- Remove the Waiver of Three Months Retroactive Eligibility
- Provide 12 Months Continuous Eligibility for Adults and 24 Months Continuous Eligibility for Members Experiencing Homelessness Who Are 65 and Over
- Include Short-Term Post Hospitalization Housing (STPHH) and Temporary Housing Assistance for Pregnant Members and Families as allowable Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Services
- Increase the Expenditure Authority for the Social Service Organization Integration Fund
- Provide Pre-Release MassHealth Services to Individuals in Certain Public Institutions
Sign on to this letter using this form by the end of the day today
MLRI, GBLS & JALSA Sign-on Letter regarding just the amendment request for housing assistance:
One of MassHealth's amendment requests seeks CMS authority to spend federal money on housing assistance for MassHealth members eligible for EA Shelter. If approved, this would bring significant federal money into the EA Shelter system. The money would be used for shelter costs, as well as supportive health-related services for MassHealth members.
To support this effort, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Greater Boston Legal Services, Health Care For All, and the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action coordinated the drafting of a sign-on letter to CMS urging them to approve this request. This letter deals only with MassHealth's request regarding housing assistance for members eligible for EA shelter. It describes the unique EA Shelter system in Massachusetts and explains the urgent need for housing assistance in Massachusetts.
To support this effort, Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Greater Boston Legal Services, Health Care For All, and the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action coordinated the drafting of a sign-on letter to CMS urging them to approve this request. This letter deals only with MassHealth's request regarding housing assistance for members eligible for EA shelter. It describes the unique EA Shelter system in Massachusetts and explains the urgent need for housing assistance in Massachusetts.
Sign onto this letter using this form by the end of the day today