Coalition Agenda for Feb 28th; Urgent Action Needed on FY23 Supp Budget !
This is a quick reminder that we have our SNAP Coalition Meeting TOMORROW, Feb 28th from 10 to 11:30 AM. Here’s the Zoom link:
DTA updates on end of SNAP emergency allotments March 2nd, DTA twitter storm, 2 PM tomorrow afternoon!
Additional DTA SNAP policy updates
Federal SNAP updates and Farm Bill 2023
State Legislative Campaigns 2023 - (see bills below). Keep pumping those bills for co-sponsors and stay tuned for Lobby Day events!
FY23 Supplemental Budget - funding for transitional SNAP emergency allotments (40% of benefits for three months); universal school meals and replacing skimmed benefits
FY24 Governor's House 1 Budget to be released on March 1st - what happens next?
SNAP and immigrant households - quick review of SNAP eligibility for “new arrivals” and recent DTA online guide update.
The END of the SNAP Emergency Allotments - Important ACTION STEPS
Like you, we’ve heard from dozens of MA households who are facing the end of the SNAP boosted SNAP benefits. The LAST payment for the month of February is on Thursday, March 2nd. SNAP households may have “sticker shock” at the checkout line in early April unless they know this benefits cliff is coming.
Here’s how you can take action:
Call your State Rep and State Senator - urge them to pass the Governor's FY23 Supplemental Budget to provide 40% of SNAP boosted benefits for 3 months. See attached flier.
Alert households to the upcoming loss in SNAP but also do a SNAP match “check up” to see if the household can claim any unclaimed deductions. If so, urge them to tell DTA about lower income, missing deductions. Here’s MLRI’s updated SNAP Calculator.
Join in DTA’s Twitter Storm tomorrow, 2 PM - come to Coalition for details.
Document the harm: Ask families to share their stories about the impact of the loss of boosted SNAP as food and energy prices continue to rise. Report stories HERE.
Important 2023 State Legislative Campaigns We Are Tracking:
Here’s an initial list of five 2023 Legislative campaigns (in alpha order) that SNAP Coalition members are involved in and how you can get involved:
Feed Our Neighbors Campaign: Restore state-funded SNAP/cash benefits to legally present immigrants excluded from federal benefits: Check out Feeding Our Neighbors website HERE to learn more about the Campaign bills and FY24 budget campaign.
FeedKids Campaign: Continue Universal Free School Meals for all Massachusetts K-12 children beyond FY23. Check out Project Bread’s webpage #FeedKids Campaign HERE to learn more about the bill and budget campaigns.
Hunger Free Campus Campaign: Support MA’s public 2 and 4 year colleges and minority serving institutions to address student food insecurity on campus. Check out the MA Hunger Free Campus Campaign HERE.
Healthy Incentives Program (HIP) Campaign: Put HIP into state law (enabling legislation) and support FY24 funding at $23M. Check out the Mass Food Systems Collaborative webpage on HIP Campaign HERE
Lift Our Kids Campaign: Boost TAFDC/EAEDC benefits for extremely low income families to at least 50% FPL. Check out the Lift Our Kids Campaign HERE for more on both the bills and FY24 Budget campaign..