Boston Globe on 15% SNAP Boost, Coalition reminder
Coalition meeting at 10 AM TODAY!
Remind about today’s coalition meeting, starting promptly at 10 AM! Zoom link is below. We will start with federal updates from FRAC, then have DTA updates from Brittany Mangini at DTA, other announcements, and a special presentation on unemployment benefits during the pandemic from Monica Halas, an unemployment expert at Greater Boston Legal Services.
Looking forward to "seeing" you soon!
SNAP 15% boost featured in Sunday's Boston Globe!
Check out the powerful piece published on Sunday HERE - featuring quotes from MLRI, MLRI's client Mary, Project Bread, Greater Boston Food Bank, and ABCD! Please elevate on social media and share - the boost is hugely important for half a million MA households, but we need it to be continued beyond June!
Mary spoke powerfully to the impact the 15% will have: "With her EBT card, she has been able to shop for and feed her children with the $680 a month, or roughly $6 per day per person, she received. But she still has struggled to afford healthy food, like fresh fruits and vegetables, which are more expensive. “Were there times when I stood at the checkout line and tried to figure out what I could leave off? Yeah,” she said.
The boost will mean she receives $782 each month, money that will go a long way, she said. “It’s going to mean my kids are going to get healthier food,” she said. “I can even stock up on things, so that in the future, we don’t run out.”