big news for SSI kids, P-EBT outreach, MLRI SNAP resources and more!

To: SNAP Coalition 
Fr: Vicky Negus and Pat Baker
Happy Friday! A number of resources, updates, and information below. 
Also, we wanted to flag this powerful NBC nightly news piece on SNAP featuring Stacy Dean, the newly appointed USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services. Please let us know if you work with any families willing to talk (on or off camera) about why a boost in SNAP is needed! 
Breaking news - 2,600 MA kids getting SSI now eligible for P-EBT!
After much advocacy from MLRI in partnership with our national partner, the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), the federal government gave approval to Massachusetts to provide free school meals (and therefore P-EBT!) to SSI kinship kids - disabled children who are being raised by grandparents and other relatives, in large part due to the opioid crisis. Previously, this group of kids was excluded from the free school meals Direct Certification list for MassHealth (kids on MassHealth also get free school meals, just like with SNAP). This is fantastic news! Click here to see the EOHHS press release, with a quote from Pat:
"These grandparents and all the kinship families are the true heroes here: raising their disabled grandkids, nieces and nephews at home, especially during the pandemic. Kinship families in Massachusetts and across the country need access to all available benefits to raise the next generation, including free school breakfast, lunch and Pandemic EBT benefits. No one in the Commonwealth should feel food insecure but unfortunately, we are dealing with record levels of hunger as the COVID-19 crisis continues on. We're glad we could assist the Baker Administration in advocating for this critical policy clarification under the National School Lunch Program and we are ready to assist in implementation,” said Patricia Baker, Senior Policy Advocate, Mass Law Reform Institute
Outreach to families who have not PIN-ed PEBT card!
We confirmed with DTA that the Department of Early and Secondary Education (DESE) has shared the names of kids who have not PINed their PEBT card yet with school districts directly. So, this information is now  available for schools/districts to do outreach!
Attached is a spreadsheet from DTA with the data on cards that have not yet been PINed - broken down by city/town. This list is accurate as of 2/2/21. We encourage you to look up your city/town to get a sense of the scope in your area, and then be in touch with your school district to encourage direct outreach (using the lists they got from DESE) to families with un-PINed cards! If you have questions about how to message P-EBT or need resources, check out the outreach page on - let us know if you have questions. 
MLRI resources - updated calculators and SNAP powerpoint & training resources 
Powerpoint/handouts from training: MLRI did a robust training on Wednesday as part of the MCLE Basic Benefits Training series. We have posted the Powerpoint and handouts on Mass Legal Services HERE. Some resources to highlight: a 1 page overview of reporting rules for SNAP and a 1 page chart with an overview of changes due to COVID. 
Updated SNAP calculators: We have updated our 1 page SNAP math worksheet here along with the excel calculator here. Please note that these calculators show the amount families are eligible for with the 15% boost but do not include the supplement. 
All households who are eligible for a SNAP benefit will get the maximum grant amount via the SNAP supplemental payments, and the 15% boost amount, on the second business day of the following month.  
Tuesday 2/9 SNAP Coalition meeting with special guests - FNS New England Regional Office staff!
We look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday. The agenda will include a robust conversation with FNS NERO, along with some additional updates on SNAP and P-EBT.  
Upcoming training on TAFDC cash assistance -  help close the cash gap!
We know that there are thousands of extremely low income families who get SNAP but have NO income - many of these families qualify for cash assistance through TAFDC! To learn more, we encourage you to register for this training: Through MLCE, MLRI and Greater Boston Legal Services are doing a robust training on TAFDC and COVID-19 changes - on Fri, February 12 from 10 AM -2:30 PM.  Click here to learn more and to register. 
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P-EBT_pinned_cards_2.2.2021.xlsx (33.9 KB) 33.9 KB