Basic Benefits Trainings on Tenants Rights, Veteran's Benefits, and Immigrants/Public Benefits: The MCLE website is back!
As you may know, Mass Continuing Legal Education had some issues with their website in March and April, and had to postpone a number of their trainings. (In some cases, they also were unable to notify many registrants in advance of cancelled sessions, for which they deeply apologize and will extend credit to the rescheduled session.)
We are pleased to report the MCLE website is back up and running and so are the trainings. Below are three upcoming presentations that may be of interest. If you have issues with registration or the website, you can contact MCLE customer service by email at or phone (800-966-6253) between 8 am - 5pm.
Register at MCLE's website, Make sure to adjust your status to "non lawyer" when you are in the cart to get the $35 rate.
MCLE/MLRI Tenants Rights in Massachusetts During COVID -- April 14, 2021
This full day training is for community and lay advocates, mediators, housing
and legal advocates, and others interested in having a better understanding of tenants' rights in Massachusetts during COVID.
This year the training will focus on the eviction process, discrimination, getting repairs made, and rent issues. While the training is primarily on rights of tenants in private housing, there will be some information on the rights of subsidized tenants.
Register HERE:
MCLE/MLRI Basic Benefits Training State and Federal Veteran's Benefits - April 22, 2021
This full day training is for legal services advocates, lawyers in private practice, social and health services workers, veterans, lay advocates, legislative aides, and anyone else who wants to learn about the basics of state and federal veterans' benefits. The training covers state veterans' benefits under M.G.L. c. 115 (administered by the Massachusetts Department of Veterans' Services), and federal benefits for healthcare, service-connected disability compensation, and non-service-connected pensions (administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs).
The session covers the basic application process, eligibility rules for veterans (military discharge status, financial eligibility, disqualifying conditions, refund status), and the disability requirements for benefits. It also covers the basics of filing an appeal and upgrading a less than honorable discharge.
Register HERE:
MCLE/MLRI Basic Benefits Training on Immigrants and Public Benefits -- new date -- May 6, 2021
This all-day training offers the nuts-and-bolts on how immigration status affects eligibility for benefits for non-citizen immigrants and refugees. The trainers include both immigration lawyers and legal experts in different public benefit programs. It covers basic information about immigrants in Massachusetts, how immigration status affects public benefits in general and an overview of the most commonly seen types of immigration status and documents. It will include updates on "public charge"
Register HERE:
(Note -- this training was originally scheduled for April 8, but has been rescheduled to May 6 due to technical issues with the MCLE website.)