1,800 orgs nationwide urge Congress to Defend SNAP, MA HealthCare Providers Weigh In - #HandsOffSNAP

Thank you Massachusetts for keeping up the noise to protect and defend federal nutrition programs! Don’t stop!

1,800+ National, State, and Community Orgs Urge Congress to Protect, Strengthen SNAP

Our partners at the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) and more than 1,800 national, state, and local organizations from every state signed a letter urging Congress to reject any proposals that would cut or weaken the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the child nutrition programs. The letter underscores the critical role SNAP plays in helping tens of millions of people put food on the table and how SNAP goes beyond food assistance, including supporting health and boosting the economy. 140 Massachusetts organizations signed on!!


  1. Please share this letter (and the health care letter below) with your member of Congress and ask them to SPEAK OUT to protect SNAP and child nutrition programs. Send them an email with the link, call their district offices. Dial up the volume!
  2. Please contact your local media, tell them your org signed onShare the SNAP zip code data on the impact of cutsShare FRAC’s Impact Fact Sheets on MA and ALL states. Engage in social media and tag your Congressperson: #HandsOffSNAP
  3. Contact family and friends in sister states. Yes, OK - commiserate with them, but turn that energy into action! Share what you’ve done in MA, FRAC’s State Impact Fact sheets and what they can do in their states.

22 MA Health Care Institutions & 100+ Providers Urge MA Delegation to Protect, Strengthen SNAP

In addition to the FRAC letter, our colleagues at Children’s HealthWatch organized this powerful sign on letter from 22 health care institutions/organizations and over 100 health care providers across the state. Shipped out this AM, the health care providers urge the MA Delegation to protect SNAP and other safety net programs from cuts and restrictions in reconciliation. Click here to read the final letter. A deep bow to Children’s HealthWatch for leading the charge!

Boston Globe Survey - With costs rising, how are you getting by? Fill it out!

The Boston Globe wants to know how you’re making ends meet, or whether you are falling behind, for a series about affordability and the middle class. Are you cutting back on the essentials? Considering a move? What feels most unaffordable to you and your family and how are you responding? Here’s the Globe story and surveyPlease share with clients, family and friends who wish to respond (Globe will not publish your name without your consent).