Ops Memo 2013-43: EBT Card Usage – ATM and POS Blocking at Prohibited Establishments


State law prohibits the use of cash assistance (TAFDC and EAEDC) in certain establishments and for the purchase of specified items. This law applies to both Point-of-Sale (POS) transactions as well as ATM withdrawals in certain establishments. DTA will act to enforce this by blocking the use of EBT cash benefits at POS devices and ATMs in certain establishments.

The Department has begun blockings POS devices and ATMs in certain establishments. This is an ongoing process.

Purpose of Memo
The purpose of this Operations Memo is to advise TAO staff about:

  • the blocking of POS devices and ATMs at prohibited establishments and at locations that have been determined to sell a majority of prohibited goods and services; and
  • notices and communication with retailers and law enforcement personnel advising them of this law and penalties for violating this law.
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OM 2013-43.pdf (37.5 KB) 37.5 KB