Ops Memo 2012-29 D: TAFDC, EAEDC and SNAP – Voter Registration BEACON Changes



The National Voter Registration Act requires the Department to provide
general voter registration services to all applicants and clients (hereafter
referred to as clients). All states must comply with this law. There are very
specific requirements for all programs:

  • during application,
  • during reevaluation,
  • during the recertification process, and
  • when clients change their address.

Clients may register either at the TAO or by using a mail-in form. For
procedures regarding when and how voter registration forms need to be
processed, see Operations Memo 2012-36.

Obsolete Memo

This Operations Memo obsoletes Operations Memo 2012-29 A, Operations
Memo 2012-29 B and Operations Memo 2012-29 C.


As a result of changes to the BEACON Voter Registration page over the
course of several months, DTA staff would need to access several Operations
Memos and procedural documents to determine the functionality of this page.
The purpose of this Operations Memo is to advise DTA staff about the
complete functionality of the Voter Registration page in one document.

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OM 2012-29 D_0.pdf (37.48 KB) 37.48 KB