Ops Memo 2014-52: Implementation of the Revised Heat and Eat Program


From MLRI:   Operations Memo 2014-52 introduces DTA and DHCD's implemtenation of the revised "Heat and Eat" policy to meet the requirements of the 2014 Farm Bill. In March of 2014, Governor Patrick announced that Massachuestts would join other states in electing the federal 2014 Farm Bill option and then identified fuel assistance funding in order to protect SNAP benefits. As the Governor noted in his announcement, "Government's role is to help people help themselves, and these steps are necessary to help our most vulnerable residents and families meet their most basic needs."  See: http://www.mass.gov/governor/pressoffice/pressreleases/2014/0318-governor-announces-steps-to-preserve-snap-benefits.html  For more background information on the Farm Bill 2014 Heat and Eat initiative, see also the fact sheet from the LIHEAP Clearinghouse at:http://www.liheap.ncat.org/news/aug14/heateat.htm  

Under the 2014 Farm Bill, households must now receive more than $20 in LIHEAP benefits to qualify for the heating/cooling SUA. In addition, the household must have received a payment, or had a payment made on its behalf, of greater than $20 in the current month or the preceding 12 months. DTA is partnering with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to make changes to the H-EAT program consistent with the Farm Bill requirements. 


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