Hotline Focus 06/08


From the Hotline

The questions below discuss the impact of receiving fuel assistance on food stamp benefits.

There are two fuel assistance programs in Massachusetts: the traditional Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Heat and Eat Fuel Assistance Program (H-EAT).

LIHEAP fuel assistance payments are for clients who pay for heat or for certain clients who have shelter expenses that are disproportionate to their income. Food Stamp Program rules allow households receiving or anticipating receipt of fuel assistance payments to have the Heating/Cooling SUA used in calculating Food Stamp benefits. For information on the Spring 2008 H-EAT Program, please refer to Field Operations Memo 2008-24. For more information on the Standard Utility Allowance (SUA), refer to 106 CMR 364.400(G).

Q. If a LIHEAP client reports a change of address, how do I proceed?

A. A food stamp client in receipt of LIHEAP payments who verifies an address change must be asked about current utility obligations. Appropriate changes must be made on BEACON.If a food stamp client in receipt of LIHEAP payments verifies a change of address and a continuation of heating/cooling charges, make no changes to the Heating/ Cooling SUA and update BEACON with the new address.If a food stamp client in receipt of LIHEAP payments verifies a change of address and no longer incurs a separate charge for heating/cooling, update BEACON with the new utility expense and address information.These changes could occur at recertification or as a part of a case maintenance activity.

Q. If a change of address is reported by a client in the H-EAT Program, how do I proceed?

A. The H-EAT Program operates differently from the traditional LIHEAP. Food stamp clients in the H-EAT Program are entitled to the Heating/Cooling SUA for an entire year, even if the household reports a change in address or a change in utility obligations. While the client’s address change must be completed on BEACON, no changes should be made to the H-EAT client’s SUA.

NOTE: These Food Stamp clients will be reselected for the H-EAT Program in the future, if they meet H-EAT Program requirements.

Q. If a client in the H-EAT Program becomes homeless, how do I proceed?

A. Food stamp clients in the H-EAT Program are entitled to the Heating/Cooling SUA for an entire year, even if the household becomes homeless during the one-year period. If a client becomes homeless, the AU Manager must update the homeless indicator on BEACON and change the address. The AU Manager must make no change to the Heating/Cooling SUA until the one-year period has expired.

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